Khuljaye Bachpan...Jab Aap Ho Unke Sung
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khuljaye bachhpan |
I believe
that parenting is enjoyable at the same time a tricky task. The vulnerable minds
of toddlers need to be dealt with extreme care as this forms the very foundation for
their personality development in future.
When a new
being enters your world it seems to change your world completely especially, being a mother I feel that nothing can change you more than motherhood. Patience, capacity, tolerance and to some
extend even creativity …everything expands like elastic and the reward that
we get in return is unmatched to any other pleasures.
My four-year old son and I share a wonderful bond. He has always been a very inquisitive mind.
It is his unique sense of expression and remarkable activities that make me
enjoy every moment of my motherhood with him.
His curiosity
to learn new things and explore the unexplored compels me too to be a part of
his every learning and to make his learning experience fun. I feel that his
curious activities have gradually transformed me into a highly creative thinker
discovering new ideas of fun learning.
Learning Can Be Fun
He was just
one and a half when he was highly captivated by the charm of different
shapes. I had bought a toy engine for him which had few shapes, within a week
he learnt all the shapes and enjoyed playing with them. He was so fascinated
with shapes that slowly he learnt all the shapes including the difficult ones like trapezoid, rhombus,
octagon and even 3D shapes. By the age of two he was already aware of all the shapes around him.
Looking at
his curiosity and interest I also started participating in his fun learning
activity. I spent time with him drawing different shapes and coloring them. We
then pasted the shapes on walls and talked about them.
These colorful shapes were treats to his eyes and the twinkle in his eyes
was my reward.
Later, when
he was mere two-and-a-half year old he once watched a planet video (this was a discovery he made himself while clicking for rhymes). Now this new video seemed to captivate
him. He loved to watch more and more solar system videos.
I too
watched the videos with him. After watching, mother and son sang the solar
system song together, recalling the characteristics of each planet. I would
later even forget some words but my little master did not fail.
Understanding his new interest I helped him make planets and saw him beaming with excitement. The obsession with planet was so high that he used his toys and did not even spare my kitchen tool to create ‘his Solar System’. I was always there encouraging and applauding him for his creations.
Understanding his new interest I helped him make planets and saw him beaming with excitement. The obsession with planet was so high that he used his toys and did not even spare my kitchen tool to create ‘his Solar System’. I was always there encouraging and applauding him for his creations.
Creating Solar system with rings and kitchen tool
Parents I believe are the very first inspiration for kids. The toddlers learn whatever you offer them. Every child is different and beautiful. With the right type of parenting the parents have the power to transform their tots to bright and confident individuals.
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Little master trying his best to write something |
MY little toddler is a keen observer who loves exploring things. I always support him with his new learning ventures. His every new learning is a wonderful experience for me too.Whatever he wills to learn and whichever field he shows interest it becomes a matter of interest to me also.
By the time he was three. He could read short stories, write small words, knew all planets including some dwarf planets(which even I learnt from him),all different shapes, including 3D shapes( even though he could not pronounce some correctly), name of days and months, Arabic letters, sounds of animals, Arabic letters, vehicle etc.
It was not
that I sat with him and taught him all what he learnt. He is definitely a child
with a curious mind and good grasping power.
All I can say with my experience is that when a parent becomes a child’s buddy then learning becomes fun and
when learning becomes fun then there is no limit to exploring the world of
Reaction of Other Parents
Reaction of Other Parents
There were moments when some parents who
witnessed my son’s vast knowledge at such a tender age, they were highly
surprised. While some complimented me on his sound understanding and unique
sense of expression and understood my role, there were others who commented (not complimented) that I was trying to
be hard on my child. Some even said, “Ye bada studious type ka hai”, these
words were definitely not uttered in a positive way.
For all
those parents who think that a three-year old can be forced to gain knowledge I
can only say that you are mistaken. It is just not possible to make a toddler
do all the learning. Parents can only make learning fun and not a forceful act.
From my
experience I can confidently conclude that a child might be fast or
slow but when parents guide them properly and take interest in their interest then sky is the limit.
Today my son is four years old. He is on his learning venture, exploring new things, questioning all the time and broadening his horizon of knowledge. My husband and I are there for him, patiently participating in his learning games and cheering him up for his endeavors.
Exploring all the Fun Zones
He is a very
active child. Apart from his learning activities he loves to play with friends,
enjoys all kids rides, loves cars and not to forget he also loves watching movies in theaters which he calls “Big screen”.
Fun time |
Currently he
is exploring the sea world. He loves to watch sea creatures. He wants to know
about all the different types of sea animals. Understanding his new interest, his
father makes sure to take him for fishing at least once or twice a month. The moments
the duo spend near the sea-side is
worth a million.
Learning to Help at Home
He is four now and is learning to help me in my little chores… like bringing a glass of water, putting dirty
linen into washing machine and sometimes even some cleaning. Every effort he makes is always applauded and
appreciated. I make sure to say ‘thank
you’ to him and hug him whenever he helps me. This gesture of mine delights
him and encourages him to help me willingly.
Parenthood … a multi tasking role
brings with it multitasking roles. Apart from the basic functional roles never
did I know that my son would turn into a story teller. Every night before
sleeping I am requested for a story on unique topics suggested by him. The
topics given to me are shapes, numbers, letters, nails etc, and I am geared
to take up all with a glee. Much to my surprise I have gradually mastered the art of
story creating.
Finding out ways for even most testing tasks
The one task
that really tests my patience is his eating. He is a slow eater. It takes
really lot of patience to make him finish his meal without losing my temper.
But the ever-working mind of mother seems to have found a solution to this too.
I use different motherhood tricks to make sure eating is not boring for him.
Currently he
is enjoying aircraft videos and games. Now every morsel becomes an aircraft
that needs to be landed safely on the runway (that is his mouth).There are
smooth landings if the morsel is finished nicely and there are crashes if food
falls off or not finished properly. Surprisingly and fortunately the trick is
working.The very idea of aircraft excites him.
Innocence at its best...A Hilarious Moment
Once I advised my little one to drink more water. I told him that his urine turns pale because he doesn’t drink water and that it was not a good thing. Now my little master registered this logic and applied it on others who ever asked for water, not sparing even neighbors and strangers. He would innocently ask “oh, you want water, your shu shu must have become yellow”. This comment left us all roaring with laughter.Finally, I would like to conclude by saying that be a buddy to your toddlers and let them be themselves.
Participation and
appreciation are
the two key words that can do the magic for all the kids. For this, you definitely
need to have patience and keen interest in your kido’s development.
Having an
authoritative attitude towards your kid creates distances and gaps between
parent-kid relations. Some parents believe that adopting a friendly and frank
approach can spoil their kids but the truth is just the contrary. Friendly
relation only strengthens the bond and helps your child acquire confidence and
feeling of security thus helping him to grow up into a pleasant and balanced
However, there
is no denying of the truth that as the kids start growing up the need for a
balance of ‘authority and friendliness’
becomes very important. ‘Friendship with
authority’ relation is one that encompasses warmth, trust, respect,
companionship and of course limits.
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